Solaris Solutions Workshops

Solaris Movement Fitness Dance

“It’s always the class I want to do each week! Even if I’m feeling run down or it’s cold, it always makes me feel better and warms me up. There are so many variations with each sequence/exercise to either push yourself to move with how your body needs to in the moment.”
- Client, Brighton

Solaris Movement Fitness Dance

Fitness class in Purple Turtle studio Brighton cobbler pose

Join me on 29th July for 2 awesome online workshops!

Core Confidence: Revealing your Hidden Strength

I’m a total geek and always updating my knowledge and I can’t wait to share with you how I’m currently thinking about core training and how YOU can use this to take your strength to the next level!

This workshop is for you if:

  • You think you have a weak core (spoiler alert: you’re stronger than you think!)

  • Doing planks hurt your back

  • You feel like you’ve hit a plateau with your core strength

  • You have been told to engage your core to help with your lower back pain and it doesn’t seem to be helping (hint: there may be an alternative)

Squat & Lunge Solutions: Unlocking Pain-Free Movement for Happy Hips and Healthy Knees

”I can’t do squats.”
”Lunges hurt my knees”
”I have arthritis in my knees”

Is this you?

Do you sit these exercises out when they come up in your fitness or dance class?

But you know deep down they would be hugely beneficial for your body…

Going up and down stairs hurts. You have to hold on to something to get up and down from the sofa. Maybe even getting on and off the loo is tricky.

It might not be the case now but if squats and lunges are a problem now there may be other issues further down the line…

The thing is, there is a starting point for everyone and once you can find it, with some focussed practice your body WILL adapt and you will improve!

Want to learn how?

Both workshops are online on Zoom so you can join me from anywhere in the world and recordings will be available!

Fitness class in Purple Turtle studio Brighton stretch

"Just what my body needed. Amazing how the subtle movements make so much difference!"
- Frankie, Brighton


Booking and payment:
£20 per session - book via Stripe (fees apply)
Core Confidence
Squat & Lunge Solutions

£35 both workshops book here (fees apply)

Contact here for payment by bank transfer or standing order to avoid fees
Any payments made are non-refundable

Reparative pricing for members of MENAHT / SWANA communities, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and low income:

Use code 10PERCENT at checkout for a 10% discount.
Contact here for payment by bank transfer or standing order to avoid fees
Any payments made are non-refundable

I have 2 free of charge scholarship places for each workshop. Please contact for details.

If you are financially comfortable and would like to sponsor a scholarship place, please get in touch.

Please read FAQs about payments

“I’ve been attending Charlotte‘s fitness class online for over a year now.  I love how accessible it is in every way and the movements are powerful in releasing tension and maintaining my body- I really feel the difference if I miss a week!” - Online client

I have been helping people move their bodies since 2009!

I am a L3+ Exercise Referral Personal Trainer, Biomechanics Coach and pain management specialist.

I am fully insured for in-person and online training worldwide.

Learn more about me here.

Solaris Movement Fitness Dance

"The muscle energy techniques you've taught me enable me not only to enjoy dance, running and yoga with more fluidity and grace, but also help me write at my desk free of nagging pains. I move more freely and focus more deeply. Thank you!"
- Keri, USA

Solaris Movement Fitness Dance