Sneaky ways to fit hip flexor releases into your busy life!!

This is the third in this mini-series about hip flexor release - check out the previous two here and here

If you enjoyed those and are looking for some sneaky ways to fit some of these tips into your busy life - read on!

  1. Muscle Energy Techniques at your desk (or on the sofa!) - these can so easily be done seated - for the Flexor release you simply press the thighs up into the hands, using a nice gently 20% contraction and hold for 20 seconds. 4 times in total is optimal. If you are not really feeling the deep contraction, try one leg at a time. OR try doing them in bed! Either before you get up or before you go to sleep - or both!

  2. Take a 2 minute desk break - 10 squats, 10 lunges and 10 high marches will do wonders! Add a resistance band or hold some small weights for extra challenge!

  3. Add this mini-sequence to the end of your dance practice (for extra bonus do it in the middle too!) Follow along with me in the video. This is exactly what I'm using with my weekly dance students right now.

  • Forwards fold to seated

  • Slow Roll to lie on your back (use hands if necessary)

  • Bridge x 3-5 (or more) - squeeze your bum!

  • Return to standing through a Forwards Fold

  • Side Bend either side

  • Twists

I would love to know what you think of these tips! Give them a go and let me know in the comments how you get on.


Strong & Juicy Hip Work Using Contraction & Release


How to release tight hip flexors