5, 4, 3, 2, 1… BUNGEE!
One of the biggest barriers to creating a regular practice for my clients is time management and within that, procrastination.
Have you ever planned to do a practice and when the time comes, you think “maybe I should finish these emails” or “the washing needs hanging out first” or you just keep scrolling for “five more minutes”?
I know that I can certainly relate to all of these!
A client recently shared with me an awesome experience of doing a bungee jump over the Thames.
The instructor had told them that when it was their turn to go, they should count 1, 2, 3 and jump immediately, without hesitation. If they hesitated, they probably wouldn’t do it.
“I did and it was absolutely amazing! So thanks for reminding me Charlotte. When I have things to get on with, I shall say 'one, two, three - BUNGEE!!”
A principle I share with my clients and also use in my own personal practice when I’m feeling resistance to getting up and doing the thing is the “5-second rule.” This states that when you have the idea to do something or when it is time to do something, you should count backwards from 5 and then when you get to 1, just get up and do it, no hesitation.
The thing is, when you hesitate, it sends a stress signal to the brain, which it doesn’t distinguish between whether you are trying to jump off a bridge with a rope attached to your feet or get into your practice space to do some exercise or work on a choreography.
It reads this stress signal as something that is uncomfortable, scary or difficult and our brains are designed to protect us from those things!
Which only leads to more hesitation, more procrastination and then you find yourself putting it off “until tomorrow.” And the change you want to make doesn’t happen.
Counting down backwards is important too, if you count upwards, you could just keep counting, whereas when you count down - after 1 you have nowhere to go and this helps spur you into action!
What I love about my client’s bungee jump memory and how she is applying it is that it adds some excitement and exhilaration to the task at hand and creates positive reinforcement in the brain!
Give it a try! I would love to know how you use this today. Let me know in the comments below.