Lunges hurt my knees!
Many of my clients hate lunges - saying they get pain in their knees when they do them - which naturally is something they want to avoid.
Taking control of your aches and pains
One thing that’s really struck me recently is how achievable it can be to take control of your aches and pains.
Injuries suck!
Injuries suck.
So often they come when you’ve just got into a new exercise routine or movement practice. You’re feeling great, noticing positive changes in your body and its keeping you inspired to keep moving with the practice.
Hold it again!
A couple of small studies have shown that isometric exercises can provide pain relief… when it hurts to move a body part, isometrics can be a great entry point to movement and getting back to doing the things you love.
Three reasons why you might be in pain
In this post I wanted to suggest 3 reasons why you might be in pain and what you can do about it - whether that’s your lower back, hips, knees or shoulders!
An important revelation about pain! (Copy)
One of the most important revelations for me in the past year of my pain management studies is that “tissue damage and pain are not the same”!
Do you have a “sensitive alarm”?
If you have been in pain for a prolonged period of time, you may have received some treatment, such as from a chiropractor, physio or acupuncturist, or even had surgery, which may have worked in the short term, but longer term you are still experiencing symptoms.
How adaptable are you?
“I thought I was too old to make a change” is a quote from a 44-year old client recently. We’ve been working together since January and a painful hip that had been bothering her for years is now barely noticeable.
Pain Management Through Movement
When I began working as a movement coach a few years ago I wanted to help people improve their dancing through developing a regular strength & flexibility practice and was amazed to discover that I was also helping clients with back pain, knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain that they’d been suffering with for years.
My Journey Getting out of Knee Pain (Pt 2)
My knees didn’t hurt anymore, but I still felt this “tightness…”
My Journey Getting out of Knee Pain (Pt 1)
10 years ago I started to find I was getting pain in my knees when I walked up the stairs….